Oh - I'm talking about
The past few years have been the most exciting, most fulfilling I've had in a career approaching 30 years, with the exception, perhaps, of my days as a teacher. And yesterday's election lent some confirmation that our progress as a district has been noticed. The public voted to provide much needed support for our schools by passing Measure G, a local bond measure that will bring much needed upgrades to our district facilities. This morning's paper showed that almost 70% of voters supported the bond measure.
We'll be able to upgrade our facilities (some of which are better than 60 years old), make our classrooms safer and better suited for 21st century learning, and enhance our technology.
I'm excited about all of this, but the tech is closest to my heart. We'll be able to upgrade our backbone (to 10GB), improve our classroom displays (TVs instead of projectors, with wireless connectivity), and maybe get a phone system district wide that isn't Vintage 1985.
Our teachers have been working hard on creating a world-class learning organization, moving to a project-based / inquiry based curriculum incorporating 21st Century learning skills. We're getting more focused on teaching kids how to learn, rather than teaching kids "things". In an information rich, internet connected age, this is important. Anybody can look up what happened to Napoleon in 1813 (he got his butt kicked in the Battle of Leipzig). But learning why, and relating that to world events and relevance in today's world is more important.
Teachers across the district have thrown out desks in favor of couches, tables, and bean bag chairs. One teacher lowered all of his tables so
We're growing, and we're pushing boundaries, experimenting with what works best for kids in this age of information abundance. Teachers are discovering that they are free from being the sole or primary source of information. They can question, explore, and model how to be a learner, right along with their students.
It's a great time to be in education. It's a great time to be in Rio, and there's no place I'd rather be!